Payment Summary - EOY Tax

View and Print my Payment Summary:

  1. Open the Report menu
  2. Select Payment Summary
  3. All Financial Years (for which Payment Summaries have been processed) are displayed, sorted in ascending order

  4. Click on any one of the field headings to sort the table based on that field.
  5. To see the associated Payment Summary, click View Payment Summary on the right of the entry - this displays the associated PDF report.


This PDF report can be printed and saved:

  • When viewing the report, click the Print button Print Super Report Button (top right)
  • To save the report, first click the Download button Download Super Report Button (top right) – once downloaded it can be saved to your PC.

Note: if your screen looks slightly different, and you don’t see the buttons as described, move your mouse to an edge of the window (e.g. the top or the right of the payslip screen, in later versions of Adobe) to display a toolbar/s.


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